Resolution Research

Data Entry, Data Tabulation | Resolution Research | Denver Colorado

> Data Tabulation

Our computerized system allows for advanced, fast and accurate data manipulation. Resolution Research® begins the tabulation the minute data entry is completed and tabulates every question asked, including open-ended questions.

We offer the following forms of statistical manipulation:

> Data Entry

Wondering what to do with all the data you have? Our computerized stations allow for rapid and accurate data entry. You give us the information you’ve gathered – or we collect it for you – then we data punch it into our computerized system. Once all the data is entered, we tabulate the responses to each question so you can make sense of your material.

> Database Management

Is your customer list up-to-date with valid phone numbers and addresses? We can merge it, purge it, and make it as good as new through call tracking. In addition, we can add fields and prepare sorts to make your database even more efficient. Resolution Research® calls customers to update their records. Phone numbers that cannot be reached are searched through a nationwide database that is updated continuously. Once the telephone numbers are updated, we call again to verify their information. Customers who are no longer with your firm are removed from your current database and held separately. Of course, being able to reach your customers saves you time and money, and in many cases increases customer satisfaction.

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