Resolution Research

SocialFlow: The Latest Advancement in Social Media Marketing (Should You Go with the Flow?)

How do modern companies determine what forms of social media marketing will best benefit their business? Some conduct surveys and focus groups, or perform extensive market research on what “sells” but ultimately the decision regarding what to post about on social networks such as Facebook or Twitter boils down to a gut feeling and reaction. It is subjective. There are perhaps patterns, but there is no written formula for predicting a company’s optimal choice. Until now that is.

SocialFlow was released for public use on February 7 of this year and touts itself as a new marketing tool that helps businesses generate optimal social media content for audiences, leading to a larger, more engaged audience, and therefore, more business. Using its Optimized Publisher, SocialFlow calculates when and what content to publish automatically based on previous analysis of audiences, topics, attention, and engagement on what is called the “real-time social graph”. For the first time, a tool exists that may be able to accurately determine the actual “value” of a post on Twitter or Facebook. SocialFlow uses algorithms to post the best content at its prime moment. The sharing of posts is automated; duties such as replying to posts and answering questions will remain in the hands of humans for now.

SocialFlow is not the first to conceptualize automated Facebook and Twitter posts. Buffer App has been applying this for some time, the difference being that one must set a predetermined time for when a post generated through Buffer App is shared. According to this article published on, SocialFlow “automatically understands the behavior and the pattern of your followers and fans and then decides when and what to share. […]This is a great tool for any business wanting to make best use of social media.”

SocialFlow counts The Washington Post, Buzzfeed, New York Public Library, Dr. Oz, Human Rights Watch, The Economist, and Pepsi among their clients. In his  article published on in 2012, Ben Popper notes that upon implementing SocialFlow, The Economist’s social media fan base began to grow five times faster than average and “increased engagement with its audience at a rate eight times greater than before it used SocialFlow.” SocialFlow just may be the next step in advancement towards success for many businesses that are searching for the next big thing in social media marketing.

Meet the creative team of SocialFlow:

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