Resolution Research

Visit to USS Vinson Navy Carrier by President of Resolution Research

USS Vinson Navy Carrier ShipI have the extreme privilege of being invited for a distinguished visitor overnight embark aboard this amazing Navy aircraft carrier, the USS Vinson, for a rare first-hand look at life aboard the carrier! We are departing from San Diego North Island and flying by C-2A to the ship. I will be observing flights operations, during the day & night, and touring spaces above & below the hangar bay, and dining with the ship’s crew. We must climb 10 stories of stairs to reach the Bridge and be prepared for 12” steel doorways. No heels on this tour of duty! I am so excited to learn about carrier aviation and be a part of this wonderful experience. About 3000 sailors live on board! A special thank you to my friend and associate, Jessica Barry, Public Affairs with the Navy, who made the introduction possible. Yes, I am taking lots of lots of pictures! Salute! Now, I don’t have to buy myself a Christmas present — this is it!! I will write a proper blog with photos upon my return.
Closing with a very special thank you to our American military & veterans, including my father who fought in WWII, for their service to America.
Nina Nichols, President

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