Resolution Research

Alzheimer’s: Are you effected?

Alzheimer’s is a disease known to many. When we think of Alzheimer’s, most of us probably associate it with forgetfulness, loss of clarity, and inability to perform what were once simple tasks. And we would not be incorrect in our summary of symptoms. Based on the minimal information I had come across regarding Alzheimer’s, it was never as feared a disease as, for example, cancer or AIDS until I was personally introduced to the disease when a close family friend became a victim. I am by no means undermining cancer or AIDS, or any other disease, but a disease of the mind has now become far more frightening than it was before. Not only was my family friend affected by the standard symptoms, she completely lost the inability to function “normally.” She had developed Front Temporal Dementia (FTD), a group of disorders caused by progressive cell degeneration in the brain’s frontal lobes (the areas behind your forehead) or its temporal lobes (the regions behind your ears). She can no longer recognize anyone, speak properly, or manage control of her muscles. Her reality is unknown and she requires full time care. I can easily succumb to age and accept my body, my looks and even my charming whit betraying me, but for my mind to completely diminish, to forget everything I’ve learned, to lose every incredible memory stored, would be the ultimate betrayal. I once read a line in a book, “If you fear something, research it.” To this day, it is some of the best advice I’ve encountered and will continue to follow for the rest of my life. It’s quite the coincidence I now work for a market research firm and we are conducting a research study about Alzheimer’s.

The study is for Alzheimer’s patients and caregivers to those affected to participate in a 90-minute focus group in Denver, CO regarding life with Alzheimer’s for a $100+ compensation. Many of us are affected by this disease (5.4 million Americans) and if this includes you, we would love to include your participation so to better understand this disease through research. Please note, this is not a clinical study, no medication trial is required. If interested, please take 5 minutes to answer the preliminary questions by clicking the link below:



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