There has been a lot of interest circling social media these days. Between Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, MySpace, and iPhone apps, a marketer could be challenged to figure out how best to leverage these channels for business growth solutions and increasing sales revenue. But rather than rush to put up a company page or a company account, create one for yourself and get used to how it all works. Without a well-thought-out strategy, all you’re going to do is have a page out there with little or no results.
By first understanding how companies are using these channels, you will be able to create social media strategies that work for you. And by using it yourself, you’ll understand some of the social norms of these media outlets. If you need some good ideas, check out They always have interesting articles about how people are successfully using social media.
You can build online communities through social media, but your message frequency has to be there (so people come back often) and your campaigns have to be relevant to the people who are following you.
In addition, you may want to tie in email marketing promotions within your social media strategy and create “calls to action.” Test it, follow what some of the leaders are doing, and then create your own version. At a minimum, you may find you like sharing your company’s new services or products with people who care.