Proprietary Panel Recruitment, Management and Hosting | Resolution Research | Denver Colorado

> Panel

Resolution Research’s® expertise includes the recruitment, management, maintenance and hosting of proprietary panels for companies requiring ongoing and immediate access to opinions. Panels provide reduced costs and continuous feedback, which result in better decision-making capabilities and greater brand intelligence. We separate ourselves from other firms by our availability, flexibility, and forward-thinking services in designing your panel. Additionally, following initial development we can conduct all or some of the desired panel research. Our services include everything from recruiting panelists to participate in internal studies, to hosting studies, to simply managing incentives or panel preservation.

The benefits of a proprietary panel include:

  • More research for less money;
  • “Just-in-time” access to untapped sources of opinions & insight;
  • Easy-to-implement follow-up probes or “after-the-fact” questions;
  • Instant results & responses that can be tracked over time.

Resolution Research also handles the execution of research studies with the panel. Beyond traditional telephone & in-person research, Resolution offers online focus groups & bulletin boards, in addition to, online surveys from the basic to the complex. Audio & video presentations can be applied, as well as, still pictures, graphics, and branding elements. This ability to present and gain feedback on visual elements is a key benefit of conducting research online. Beyond simply showing respondents images or video, Resolution Research offers interactive concept testing. Through this unique web-based technology, which seamlessly integrates into any online survey, respondents are able to mark up the images or videos with emoticons, arrows, colors, and text boxes. Various levels of reporting are available from basic data output in Excel to Heatmaps and Frequencies Reports.

Check out this video for more info on joining panel: