With experience in virtually every area of market research and across so many subject fields and industries, it feels like there’s almost not an area in which we haven’t been involved! But, of course, that’s not possible. Fortunately, we have a process which commands the same strategy and check and balance elements for every project regardless of the topic. Even better, we’ve spent years learning and improving. Let our experience and iterative, but structured, process serve to maximize your ROI.

Research & Marketing
Consulting & Design
We’ll provide the right sample — or use your database as desired — to reach the target audience needed for the study. We have a very robust online sample of consumers, medical professionals, and other executive audiences that we can use to conduct a qualitative or quantitative study. We also have an active audience of online buyers and shoppers across the US which we rent for sales and marketing campaigns. In addition, we can drive your target sample to your website/campaign/panel via targeted marketing. That said, not every desired list exists — that’s when our custom list development for research recruitment comes in using our tools of the trade. In addition, we provide list clean up and augmentation for more accurate everything!
Programming, Project Mgmt, Panel Management
Once the project plan is designed, we can program and host any type of online survey, bulletin board or panel needed in-house. You can relax and leave the heavy lifting to us. We will execute according to timeline, conduct ongoing quality assurance, and handle all the small details necessary, including incentive fulfillment, to assure successful completion and panel health. Our frequent updates with transparency keep you informed and in control without being bogged down in the minutiae.
Data Delivery
We deliver the qualitative and quantitative research data you need in the best format to serve the consumption of your audience. Data can be served as simply as an Excel or SPSS file for your team to analyze to a complete investigation with interpretation, recommendations and implementation plans. Data delivery again is served to your desire which may include printed glossy reports, video compilation, PowerPoint, virtual or in-person presentation, expert witness testimony, or simple frequency tables and graphs.
or À la Carte!
We’ll support you as you desire supplying only the element(s) you need. Just tell us what you need!
Rest easy and let us do the heavy lifting.
There is more than one way to get the data you need.
We conduct all types of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies to best engage your audience and gather information for decision making.
Online Survey
Most of your audience is online – so meet them online via computer, tablet, or smartphone. Online surveys can be customized to include almost any design element you need including audio and video clips, images, graphics, etc. Find out what makes your audience tick simply by making them click.
Read MoreEthnographies
Shop-alongs, ride-alongs, cook-alongs, play-alongs -- we've got you covered. Whether in home, at work, at play, shopping, driving or surfing anywhere USA -- we take you to the source for direct observation.
In-depth Interview
In-Depth Interviews (IDIs) are easily one of the most robust methods of conducting market research on complex concepts and exploring an individual's thoughts, opinions, and attitudes. This approach lends itself to various forms of execution such as in-person, over-the-phone, and even online. If you're looking to dive deep in order to really get into your audience's head, IDIs could be for you.
Bulletin Board Focus Groups (BBFGs)
BBFGs are a client favorite not only because of the rich data captured over a longer period of time, but the tremendous flexibility and control. In response to the moderator, participants post videos, pictures, comments, answer quant surveys on the fly, engage with each other (or not) as client desires. New stimuli can be introduced based upon responses online or to actual products provided to participants. Studies last from 3-days to 3-months or quarters!
Taste Tests
The proof is in the pudding. When it comes to creating the most appealing product for all, there is no better way than to let your target audience dive right in. Spoon licking is highly encouraged.
The iPhone nation is strong – as is the rest of the mobile world. Start leveraging the platform for your market research and get your questions to your mobile audience. Mobile-friendly surveys and SMS delivery are just a few ways we can help you get the data you need. Now that's putting the 'smart' in smartphones.
Read MoreMock or Shadow Jury
Law firms rave about the incredible information gained from mock juries or mock trials and shadow juries, sometimes called trial monitoring, to best structure and argue a winning case. We can host mock juries at our firm or yours. With trial monitoring, we assure our jury-eligible persons are in court and providing daily feedback for adjustments needed.
Participants love sharing what they do through pictures, videos, collages, surveys -- and we know how to keep them engaged and giving. Studies can be conducted entirely online in a shared or one-to-one platform or hard-copy when you need to touch and feel.
Good 'ol fashioned 'snail mail' has not gone the way of the dinosaurs just yet. While less utilized in current-day market research, we've found it actually can deliver results that most modern gadgets and methods cannot. For specific audiences, this approach simply fits the bill. Be it delivering self-administered surveys, homework assignments for studies, or simply fulfilling incentives, mail may be just what you are looking for.
Secondary Research
Database clean-up, list development, competition analysis, marketplace data, lead generation, business opportunities, financial analysis, legal research. Let our industry veterans use their tried and true experience to uncover the data you need.
Panel Management
When Resolution Research manages your panel or community, we manage it with the same care and dedication as if it were our own, because we know when you succeed, we succeed. Management requires constant monitoring, interaction, relevancy and responsiveness. Properly managed, your panel builds goodwill for your company which is a win-win situation!
Ready for a quote?
Find the right people the first time.
Research recruitment is the life-source of a project. When quality recruitment matters, partner with the firm that delivers. Resolution is the go-to firm for high-level, hard-to-reach, hard-to-recruit audiences. We’re obsessive to make it happen. Call us first – life is better without emergencies.
B-to-B, B2B, Executives & C-Levels
Medical & Dental
Financial Advisors and Wealth Managers
Pharmaceutical Reps
Mock Juries
Taste Tests

Find your audience and start seeing results.
Our Strategy is Highly Focused on Delivering Measurable Results.
Let our industry veterans' expertise in the digital and marketing world help you reach the greatest efficiency: proven success!
Website Design
The right design not only grabs attention and tells the story, but it must be compatibly viewed by any mobile device on the market and use the right responsive platform to make Google happy.
If your website doesn't make Google happy, ain't nobody happy. We'll make sure your search engine marketing (SEM) not only complies but delivers the best SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay per click advertising) to provide proven results. We speak Google.
Advertising & Marketing
We'll help you attract your relevant audience with the branding and messaging that keeps you top of mind using all of today's social accessories and more. We work to provide the custom tailored solution that serves your unique needs.
Reach your audience in their natural habitat.
Online surveys are extremely customizable and can include audio and/or video presentations, pictures, graphics, advertisements, and virtually any branding element.
Resolution Research offers in-house online survey instrument design services as well as programming, hosting, and management of your branded or blinded survey. Internal hosting allows us to readily manage participation for optimum engagement. Clients can monitor results online in real time. Collected data sets are delivered in SPSS or Excel, and our analysis offerings include frequency tables, executive summaries, and publication-ready, in-depth reports with recommendations.
Alternatively, we can push online sample to a client-hosted online survey allowing the internal client team to collect, analyze, and report as desired.
Internet Users (U.S.)
Smartphone Ownership (U.S.)
With 77% of the U.S. claiming ownership of smartphones, why wouldn’t we leverage the platform?
Texting is the most personal and preferred means of communication for many. We utilize our SMS platform to support most projects; the platform facilitates direct contact with participants and immediate attention and engagement.
Our mobile platform allows for instant market research participation anytime, anywhere the respondent is available. We also use our SMS platform to provide directions to in-person groups as well as reminders for appointments.
Demo SMS
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Text MOBILE to 888999
Nearly 70% of market research dollars go towards focus groups.
Market Research Spend