
About This Project

  • Jury Consulting via Mock Juries or Mock Trials.
    Test case arguments before going to trial and learn what works best. Most any rational or subject matter can be assessed, measured, and sharpened to better petition your case including witness preparation, memory retention, graphics, examinations, opening/closing statements and more. We can recruit the jurors and host at our offices, your offices or a local meeting place.
  • Shadow Juries or Trial Monitoring.
    Jury-eligible individuals attend the trial and evaluate the daily events providing quick feedback that your team can use to make modifications and refinements to strategically and significantly impact the trial.
  • Deposition Service.
    We provide legal conference deposition services in broadcast-quality live video streaming including simultaneous chat and DVD copies. Our conference room invites all the individuals you need to “attend” a deposition virtually through our digital meeting room or access the deposition later via recording. Our platform provides secure transportation of sensitive information and our staff seamlessly handles all the tech and administrative support to let your team focus on the case.

